Optimising On-Page and Off-Page SEO

Optimising On-Page and Off-Page SEO: Why It Matters To Digital Marketing

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When you delve deeper with search engine optimization (SEO), you’ve probably heard of the terms on-page and off-page SEO optimization. But, what does that mean? The heated debate between the two terms coils around their usefulness to the digital marketing world.

What’s the difference between on-page and off-page SEO?


On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is the process of optimizing your website to boost search engine rankings. It includes structural changes with tags, headings, URL structure, or keywords for search engines to crawl, index, and affect your web SERP.

  • Headings

    Search engines like Google rely on headings to understand the structure of your content. H1 is clearly for the titles and while H2 is for sub-headings. It helps search engines crawl better and report accurately your page content.

  • Content

    A good content will boost your on-page seo ranking. High-quality content can already catch Google’s attention. This means, your articles should not be duplicates of other people’s works and must be proofread for it to be understandable for reading.Adding relevant keywords to the article will also help boost your page rankings. Try keeping them at a density of 1% and add additional long-tail semantics as well.

  • Internal and external linking

    Link building, both internal and external, hype up your seo. Internally linking to related pages on your website makes it easier for search engines to understand your site. It’s also a means to keeps user engaged longer in your site longer.Meanwhile, external linking is hyperlinking to other people’s website to supplement information on a certain topic.

  • Title Tags

    Title tags are the page title that reflects the content of that particular site. Many marketers have included keywords to their titles in the hopes to improve search rankings.

  • Meta description

    Meta descriptions are the narratives that appear below the website on SERPs. They contain around 160 characters that describe the web page. Also, marketers place at least one keyword in it to alter rankings.

  • URL

    An organized URL makes it efficient for users to navigate the web portal. As much as possible, even digital marketing gurus like Neil Patel, suggests that having a short URL containing keywords are much cleaner and clearer for users to click on to.In addition, if they like the article so much, they can easily recall the URL and head there directly.

  • Alt Txt

    Alternative text of an image provides the search engine with the information about the photo or illustration. It’s different from the image’s file name. The proper use of alt txt will help you rank higher in Google Images.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page seo is action taken outside of your website to boost search engine rankings. It usually involves the website’s popularity, authority, and relevance. Activities that highlight off-page seo are link building, social media marketing, guest blogging, and influencer marketing.

  • Link building

    By gathering or voting external links to your website, it lets search engines know that this site or page has good information. People can send their articles in blog directories, article directories, link exchange schemes, and guest posts.

  • Social Media

    By sharing your content online and having readers share it with friends as well, you get to improve your website ranking. When Google sees that many people flock to your site for information, it’ll let it know that your site is a credible one.

  • Influencer Marketing

    Reaching out to influencers to promote your website is a good start in earning the trust of the public. digital marketing gurus have pointed out that consumers are more likely to visit a website and buy products through the recommendation of an influencer.

  • Email Marketing

    By emailing your prospects, you get to turn your leads into buying customers. This off-page seo technique serves as one favourite of today’s digital marketers’ marketing aspect as 90% of people check their emails every day.

If you would like to learn more or would like to find out how we can help you grow your online presence just contact us today. We also recommend the ClickMinded SEO Course that is currently on a fantastic Lifetime Deal for only $149 (regular $1285) for a very short time (Deal is sold).

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