There has never been a better time to start building your online visibility. Problem is there are only so many hours in the day and you are already maxed out running your business. Not to mention, all the talk and hype of digital marketing and online marketing, quite frankly, gets really overwhelming!
The good news is that if you take a strategic approach to your efforts, you can actually do less and get better results.
If you’re thinking about starting a digital marketing strategy for your business, think about doing it right from the start.
Let’s explore the 5 effective ways to ensure your digital marketing performs really well and gets traction fast.
Strategic Digital Marketing Plan for Business Success
The sooner you get started, the more time you’ll have to add value and create a long-term plan that will help your business and clients succeed.
Here are 5 ways to build a powerful strategic digital marketing plan that will be effective for your business. So without further ado, let’s just get straight into it, shall we?

First things first, why would you need a strategic digital marketing plan?
This sounds like a question with a lot of merit, and there are a lot of reasons why you might want to have one.
The first main reason is that, when you’re driving traffic to your website, you need to be thinking about how it’s getting there and what kind of people and potential customers are coming through your sales funnel.
Your strategic digital marketing plan should give you a step-by-step guide on exactly how to do that so you can keep moving forward in the direction that will help your business prosper most.
In short, you need to meet your customers where they are, and join the conversation they are already having.
Your Strategic Digital Marketing Plan Should Be Long-Term
It’s easy to get bogged down by short-term tasks and goals, so it’s important to keep your strategic digital marketing plan in mind when you’re thinking about new ways to improve your business. You want to make sure that you’re planning for the future as well as the present.
Another reason you should have a strategic digital marketing plan is because it allows you to see the bigger picture.
As a small business owner, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks that need to be completed, but when you’re creating your strategic digital marketing plan, you’ll be able to take a step back and look at how everything ties together.
This also helps you avoid ‘shiny-object syndrome’, where you’re constantly looking for ways to improve your business and keep growing, but you never take the time to see how you are growing and where, making you jump from one thing to the next without much thought for effectiveness.
As an old saying goes: “He who chases two rabbits catches neither.”
Getting Started Is The Hardest Part
Building a digital marketing strategy can be challenging.
In fact, it can feel like putting together a puzzle, and that’s something that everyone has experienced at one time or another. When you’re putting together your plan, you need to make sure you’re looking at things from a holistic perspective.
You need to be taking into account the needs of your business right now, as well as the needs of your clients and customers, and the future that lies ahead.
If you can’t see how everything fits together, it’s going to be much harder for you to find a way to work everything out. Perhaps there will be too many holes or gaps in your plan.
You might feel like you don’t have enough information, which is also something that every digital marketer experiences.
The most important thing is to just get started and not get stuck in analysis paralysis.
5 Effective Ways To Build Your Plan Today
Now that we have an understanding of what a strategic digital marketing plan is, it’s time to look at five effective ways of building your own.
These are different types of strategic digital marketing plans and they allow you to spend your time in a different way. Use the following information to help you decide what might work best for you.
1. Get Clear On Who Your Ideal Customer Is
If you don’t know who your ideal customer is, how can you build a strategic digital marketing plan that will help them and your business succeed in the long run?
One of the most important things to consider when you’re getting started is identifying this person. In many cases, your ideal customer or client is going to be visiting your website from a search engine.
It’s important to get as much information as you can about this individual so that you can build a marketing plan that effectively targets them and brings them into contact with what you have to offer.
Use your strategic digital marketing plan to make sure you’re taking care of this person as best as you can.
Build out a persona of your ideal customer describing everything from their gender, to their age group, their location, where they work and the kind of things they’re interested in.
The more information you can gather about your customer, the better.
2. Create A List Of Problems These People Are Having
Once you know who your ideal customer is, it’s time to find out what kinds of problems they are having and what they are struggling with.
If you’re working on a website that sells products, having an idea of these problems will help you make sure that you’re solving them in the best way possible.
Now is the time to think about what products customers are searching for, and if they are having a difficult time understanding how to use your product or service.
If you’re creating a strategic digital marketing plan for your business, it’s important that you understand who these people are and what problems they have.
You want to know what they want and where they are struggling, so that you can make sure that you’re providing them with the right information and solution.
If you can’t target them effectively, then your business will suffer. It’s as simple as that.
3. List All Of Your Digital Marketing Goals
Once you know what your ideal customer is and what problems they are facing, the next step is to create a list of your digital marketing goals.
One way to stay motivated through your strategic digital marketing plan is to create some goals that you can work towards in the short term.
Take some time and make sure that you’re working on these goals during each section of your plan.
It’s important that you don’t put off all of the implementation steps within your digital marketing plan.
You need to make sure that everything is completed before moving onto the next step. This will help you stay motivated and keep moving forward with your plan.
4. List All Of Your Digital Marketing Activities
Now it’s time to take a look at the different things that you want to do to implement this strategic digital marketing plan for your business.
This is a good opportunity to start thinking about the various social media posts that you want to create and the different types of content that you want to share throughout your digital marketing plan.
Take some time to jot down everything that comes to mind when working through this step. You’ll be able to come back and focus on these activities later.
It’s important that you don’t forget about any of these activities, or else it might become difficult later on in your plan.
5. Get Clear On The Strategic Digital Marketing Plan
One of the difficult parts of creating your digital marketing plan is all of the different ways you can go about promoting your company online – should you use paid advertising or organic marketing?
Should you host events or write blog posts? These are all good questions to ask for your plan.
That’s why it’s important that you get clear and choose 1 approach to promote your business in the beginning.
If you’re wondering what the difference is between organic and paid marketing, then read on.
2 Types of marketing that you can engage in
So now that you have some structure for your strategic digital marketing plan, now it’s time to take a look at the different ways that you can promote your business online.
There are two main strategies when it comes to getting your name out there online: paid advertising and organic marketing.
Paid Advertising: When you use paid advertising, you pay a company or individual to promote your business on their own website or social platforms.
When this happens, it’s important to understand what type of ads will be placed.
Popular paid advertising platforms include:
– Instagram Ads
– YouTube Ads
– Google Adwords
Paid marketing is the advertising that you see or hear when browsing the internet. You pay for each click/impression that you receive from people viewing your ad.
Organic marketing: is everything else you do to promote your business without paying for it. This includes writing blog posts, hosting events, and anything else that gets your name out there without paying for it.
An effective way to grow organically is to get links from high-authority sites back to your website. These are highly valuable and are usually achieved by publishing useful information that readers will like and linking to your own site as an expert resource.
What are the top digital marketing tools in 2021?
In 2021, it is likely that you will be able to use more than one digital marketing strategy and tool.
The top of the list of the most important digital marketing tools in 2021 will be things like CRM platforms and communities, internet data analysis tools and more complex developments such as predictive analytics which can predict future customer behavior.
Social media will continue to thrive, but may start to get a little crowded so this may be an area for experts and consultants to move into alongside their current work in digital marketing.
Email marketing will continue to be effective, but should take a backseat to using other digital marketing tools and communities.
Video will be around in abundance and may become the dominant format for businesses to engage its customers (think YouTube and TikTok).
Mobile will be the primary platform for communication and businesses should use this as a way to engage its customers. This is likely to mean that it will become increasingly more important to have responsive websites that work on mobile devices.
Is Digital Marketing Hard to Learn?
Digital Marketing isn’t difficult to learn but many people are put off because they think it’s too hard and that they don’t have the right skills.
Most Digital Marketing agencies will employ experts in every stage of the process so you never have to worry about not knowing what you are doing.
It is important to note that while the majority of people learn how to do digital marketing through training and education, many others learn simply by doing.
Many people prefer self-learning online courses like Udemy or Skillshare.
YouTube is also a great place to learn about digital marketing.
If you’re looking for a way to start learning about digital marketing, then it might be a good idea to start with some of the basics first.
The easiest parts of digital marketing are often writing blogs and creating videos.
These two things are essential in any modern digital marketing campaign. You can take your time and learn how to do this before you dive into anything else.
When you think about what makes a webpage competitive in your niche, it’s important that you understand how people are looking at your content.
What they’ll see is your blog posts and videos and it’s likely that they’ll come to your website from one of the top ranking pages, such as Google or YouTube.
Take some time to create a blog for your company and then start focusing on creating content that will help you get views.
Final Thoughts
When it comes to digital marketing, there are plenty of things you need to take into consideration.
Creating a strategic digital marketing plan is just the beginning of your journey and is something that will help you make sure everything is working in the best way possible.
If you’ve never created a strategic digital marketing plan before, it’s important that you start taking some time to create one now.
It’s a little time-consuming, but it will help you to set yourself on the right path and get things started.
The more time you take to think about things and put your plan together, the better. It’s very easy to get stuck in analysis paralysis so taking the time to set things in motion now is important.
If you have any questions about digital marketing or need some more information, then leave us a comment below or send us an e-mail at: st******@pu*******.digital
We hope this article helped you figure out how to build your own digital marketing plan!
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